K'Naan, Damian & Stephen Marley
So it's been that long since I last blogged eh? As the subject tips off, a series of firsts in the last couple of months. Last Tuesday, J & KS, K and myself had the privilege to check the K'Naan, Damian and Stephen Marley Show at the Phoenix. Man, I gotta tell you, I've always liked reggae music, but never really been to a show.
One word: wicked. Check this out, its like a jam, they'll start a track and stop before hitting the 1st chorus, then reset it to the start. I mean, these fools were cutting, but with a live band! That's the other thing, these cats are straight up musicians. When I was watching Stephen I wanted to check the tempo cuz I always known some of the chords, but the hardest thing with reggae whenever I tried to play was the unusual tempo. Hmmm, still struggling with it, but the show was an eye opener and maybe one day I can keep apr oper rythm on those tracks.
Another cool thing was they had a guy up on stage who did nothing the whole show but wave the Jamaican flag. That WAS SOME COOL SHIT! I mean, thats something that can stir up pride, got me hyped, kinda wished the Filipino flag was up in there.
Anyway, performers were wicked cool, they did everything with a live band. K'naan on his drum is a fiend. Damian is Damian. The thing with Damian is this uncanny ablity to get the crowd hyped. But for me, the biggest trip was watching Stephen Marley.
If you've ever heard Stephen, except being a little raspier, of the Marley children, he sounds the most like Bob. In addition to his own stuff, Stephen was up there covering Bob. Even in the mannerisms, Stephen would be so into the song, he would grab his face etc. A lot of us never had the opportunity to see Bob, except in old movies. As J put it, watching Stephen brought back some of that Bob-in-the-long-sleeve-denim-shirt vibe. Incredible. Probably as close to seeing Bob live as possible in this day and age.
All in all, an incredible experience. I felt fortunate to have been there. Crowd was all about positivity, there was no drama, no bullshit. It was cool to just be on the same plane as everyone else just feeling it. Case in point, you shoulda seen K. She was dancing and totally feeling it, man it was really cool, I would turn once in a while just to see her, look at her...hehe I coulda watched that chick move all night. Actually felt at peace, 1st time in a long time...Oh, just in case, cop that Stephen Marley album, fresh out!
Though not quite as exciting as the last topic, keeping with the theme of firsts, as part of my job I got to go to court in the Hammer. Mind you, it was for a simple set date, so I didn't stay long but made a couple of observations. From what I saw, I gotta say the downtown core looks pretty cool. Little small, cozy, but its still got everything. If there was a good enough reason I could definitely check the Hammer out again. But...really...Hamilton residents...what's the deal with the one-way streets?!?
Maybe I'm out of line here, but that just seems completely retarded. Making a fucking turn is like I dunno. Its like you gotta plan out every turn you're gonna make. In my travels, there are only two other cities that I've been to that do things this way: DC and Portland. The Hammer is fortunately not as bad as those two, but then again, I drove there for a couple of hours. I need a first hand account people! hollar at me
Square One
In 3 and a half years in TO, believe it or not, I have never been to Square One. So one Saturday, or was it a Sunday, can't remember, but I drove down to see it. Really had nothing to buy, just wanted to see it because it was apparently this huge mall. As Flava Flav put it, don't believe the hype. What's the big friggin deal with this mall? It's not even that big. Metrotown puts this shithole to shame. B-town can ya hear me?!?! lol
Pacific Mall
Malls and firsts. My friend S did take me to Pacific Mall during law school, so this isn't technically a first. However, I'll make it a 1st* In that, this was the 1st* time I drove down to the mall myself. I just had to pick up a couple things, wanted to check out phones, buy an ipod charger for the car, air freshener for car, food etc. Anyway, to those of you that know me, have probably heard me do this wicked Chinese-person-FOB voice.
I mean, it's a somewhat (and by somewhat, I mean blatantly) racist. But it is damn funny. As I was walking up and down the aisles of Pacific Mall, I was literally biting my lips trying not to unleash "the voice." It didn't help matters that I recalled Russell Peters' famous "be a man, do the right thing," schtick was inspired by Pacific Mall....aaaaaaaaarghhhhhhh can't....keeep...it...in...
Drive to NY
Finally, the last topic I'll touch on was the drive down to NYC over Easter. Very cool. Actually, this is another tainted first. Back in the 80's growing up a scrub in the LIC, QB moms did drive the family up to Toronto, so I have seen these haunts before. It was just real nostalgic to remember the familiar places. The rest stops, Roy Rogers chicken (YEAH!) passing through PA and the rest of it. And considering M (from the office) and her friend S were driving, I can't pull of a Pacific Mall exception here either. But...it does foreshadow something else...ticket in hand, I am hitting NYC this summer on Randall's for the Rock the Bells SHOW!! That time, it's all pac behind the wheel. Cannot wait, got J going with S and her husband. PLUS, which is pretty tight, O from "dude, you hit me" fame is rolling too.
Gonna be a good summer, check you all later.