<- Advanced Civil Procedure Professor, Count Dracula
How exciting! Who would have thought in my 2 and so years in Toronto I would meet Dracula himself?
Funny thing is Dracula ain't a bad proff. Well, he can't be that great considering I'm writing this while I'm in here.
One observation I've had in here over the years is the clicky keyboards. If they're saying something worth taking down, sure click away.
What I don't get though is the constant clicking when there's nothing to type. I suppose its MSN or games or better yet what I'm currently doing.
So I get back from a smoke break and a full on historical debate about Africa the Middle East or something a rather. As a student of history I should chime in or maybe at least care.
Nope. Couldn't really care in the least. Tell you what though, it was pretty interesting.
Here's my view on history. Remember that line about statistics?
"there are lies, damn lies, and statistics"
In other words, history is like statistics in this fashion. Our own biases and "centric" pride and nationalistic idealism shapes our interpretation of mish-mashed, random events into a singular view that suits our own sensibilities and values.
So who was right in the smokebreak debate? Probably both of them.
All I got a kick out of was interrupting a seemingly intense ADR discussion. Aside: who the hell has a group meeting with a teacher in a hallway. And they give me cut eye? Its a public spot jerk! You wanna conduct a class, do it in a classroom.
Another bonus? Got to show up to class from the break late and get the angry stare of my peers. They think it has an effect on me. In a way they're right. I love their disapproval, it turns me on.
Somebody once said that we define ourselves not only by the company we keep, but in the enemies we make. So if someone gets pissed off over some bullshit, I know I'm on the right track.
That's it for now folks, I think Dracula is saying something useful. If I don't listen he may suck my blood.
Stay tuned for the next installment when I discuss, the Blue Jays, Salsa Music and "enjoyment"
Take Care