Monday, April 03, 2006

As promised...

I don't really follow MLB but I think it's opening day isn't it?

As long as there's beer, baseball is actually quite tolerable. Plus, great thing to do on a summer day.

Reminds me of last summer when me, T, the catfish hunter and a couple others went to watch the Jays after work. Long story short, I had forgotten to invite some dude that actually wanted to go. Which is ironic considering, I had a hard time giving away a couple those tickets.

Oh well, one can be forgetful sometimes...But this story is about enjoyment.

See whenever a player comes up to bat they get their own theme song. For example, the O-Dog gets rap and the redneck players get Dwight Yokam or something. As for the Latino players, they get a funky salsa or sambas or merengue (please forgive my ignorance of the various genres) a rather.

Anyway, as the pulsating beats of our southern neighbor's high energy music pumped machismo through my veins all i could think was...

"_______ would have enjoyed this..."

1 comment:

tedt said...

that was a great time...
____________would have enjoyed the game